Eric Horovitz Foundation Award | Autumn 2021 – Hugo Massy

Eric Horovitz Foundation Award : The "coup de cœur" Award of the foundation

The jury of the Eric Horovitz Foundation awarded the Prize of the eponymous Foundation to Hugo Massy, apprentice of the Technical School of the Vallée de Joux (ETVJ), for his creation entitled Gold & Black.

The young man has created a silver ring with two stones that look at each other, like a warm and cold reflection.

Christine Horovitz, President and Founder of the Eric Horovitz Foundation declares: “Hugo Massy will be offered training of his choice according to his specific needs. We are very proud to be able to support this promising student with this first competition organized within GemGenève.”

It should be remembered that the Éric Horovitz Foundation, founded in 2020 and launched at GemGenève in 2021, has the mission of supporting young Swiss talents in the jewelery industry through training and the promotion of their creations.


Paru dans : GemGenève: les écoles ont tiré leur épingle du jeu!

Communiqué de presse sur Hugo Massy : Télécharger ici


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